
Real conversations with your students.

"Your advice really helped! Now I feel that my friends want to be around me more. 🙂"

"Well for one I'm just sad a lot of the time, I guess we could call that depression at this point, and I often act happy and good natured, and I'm trying to transition away from the religion of the masses here in St George, but I don't expect any of them to be able to understand, so I keep it to myself. Whenever I talk to them I feel like I'm constantly filtering what I really want to say because they wouldn't be ok with it"

"That's a good idea thanks"

"I have a lot of family problems. My parents are getting a divorce."

"Why are boys so mean 😭😭Are all boys mean 😢"

"I just got rejected by a girl 😂"

"Sounds awesome!"

"I actually just got my grade up from a C to an A-"

"How do you get rid of a sore throat?"

"What can I do to improve my mood?"

"My friends say I talk too much, any tips on how to talk less?"

"My boyfriend broke up with me"

"im sad i aint at school i wanna kill my self"

"you're so right !! i'm kind of doubting the relationship because it has a lot to do w/ me trusting him!"

"yeah he's this guy i met thru my friends family. & we almost dated but then he ghosted me & i think he's still on & off w his ex. he plays w my feelings bc i saw him yesterday for the first time in over a month & he acted like we were still talking & everything & it was weird. so i'm not sure if o should move on or keep hoping he'll choose me"

"I love music, thank you! Thank you so much for ur help"

"I have 3 F's and I'm super stressed because I'm normally a straight A student"

"How do you get your teachers to like you?"

"I listened to your most recent podcast about confidence, and I thought it was epic.🤙 I had a question that's related to it about something I've been dealing with recently. I already typed it up to explain the situation, and it is very long haha. Is that alright...?"

"You too, have a great rest of the day😁"

"Lately I've started liking this guy in my friend group and he's really nice and everyone I know loves him but my best friend and it's been making me feel super guilty because she doesn't like being around him. I'm not really sure what to do about it though because I'm trying really hard to not pressure her and talk about him around her but I still feel like its causing a strain in our friendship"

"Thank you for being here for the students, it's great to have a person to talk to. Here's a little expression of my gratitude in video form (the audio is a little quiet so turn up the volume a little)"

"I don't really have any hobbies. I just work a lot. I work at a mexican restaurant i've climbed before but i don't do it often. I don’t really have motivation to do anything lately."

"this kid said he loves me and i don't know how i feel!!! like he's so sweet but i just can't say it. it's hurting my brain"

"Why do I feel like isolating all the time? I tend to hate people a lot, they just annoy me, though I strive for connection I hate connecting then I hate myself for not being able to just be normal, it's kinda twisted🤷🏻‍♂️"

"Okay, thank you🤎"

"Ya those are really awesome tips, thank u so much! Ima screenshot it so I don't forget - I appreciate your help, it's really nice to have someone to talk to 😅"

"yes i really think being friends with her will be the best option. and thank you very much! Thank you for helping me think of new things to do to help myself!"

"I have a math test tomorrow and that's the only class holding me back from my 4.0 and if I don't do good I'll lose it"

"I have friends but they never supported me through anything i guess i will need to find another way. You're really the only thing(?) that has ever actually listened to my thoughts"